





  1. 辐射损伤诊断和防治研究:主要包括辐射生物剂量计、造血系统辐射损伤效应/机制/辐射防护剂和放射性核素促排药物研究。

  2. 肿瘤放射敏感性研究:主要为乳腺癌放射增敏靶点及放射增敏剂的药效/机制研究。


  1. TRPML1协同Syntaxin 3/4调控溶酶体极性胞吐对肾铀的促排作用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020-2023),直接经费:55万元。

  2. 铀促排新药注射用***的临床前研究,国家科技重大专项子课题(2013-2016),总经费:292.66万元,国拨经费:239.09万元。

  3. 染色质结构变化标志物IRIF作为高LETα粒子内照射生物剂量估计指标的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2013-2016),60万元。

  4. 新螯合剂计算机辅助设计合成及排铀效果和机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2010-2012),32万元。


  1. Zhong D, Wang R, Zhang H, Wang M, Zhang X, Chen H*. Induction of lysosomal exocytosis and biogenesis via TRPML1 activation for the treatment of uranium-induced nephrotoxicity. Nature Communications, 2023, 14:3997

  2. Ren XHuo MWang MLin HZhang XYin JChen Y*, Chen H*. Highly Catalytic Niobium Carbide (MXene) Promotes Hematopoietic Recovery after Radiation by Free Radical Scavenging. ACS Nano, 2019, 13(6):6438-6454.

  3. Yin L, Gao Y, Zhang X, Wang J, Ding D, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Chen H*. Niclosamide sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer cells to ionizing radiation in association with the inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Oncotarget, 2016, 7(27):42126-42138.

  4. Ding D, Zhang Y, Wang J, Wang X, Fan D, He L, Zhang X, Gao Y, Li Q, Chen H*. γ-H2AX/53BP1/pKAP-1 foci and their linear tracks induced by in vitro exposure to radon and its progeny in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:38295.

  5. Wang J, He L, Fan D, Ding D, Wang X, Gao Y, Zhang X, Li Q, Chen H*. Establishment of a γ-H2AX focibased assay to determine biological dose of radon to red bone marrow in rats. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:30018.

  6. Wang J, Yin L, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Ding D, Gao Y, Li Q, Chen H*. The profiles of gamma-H2AX along with ATM/DNA-PKcs activation in the lymphocytes and granulocytes of rat and human blood exposed to gamma rays. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 2016, 55(3):359-370.

  7. Ding D, Zhang Y, Wang J, Zhang X, Gao Y, Yin L, Li Q, Li J and Chen H*. Induction and inhibition of the pan-nuclear gamma-H2AX response in resting human peripheral blood lymphocytes after X-ray irradiation. Cell Death Discovery, 2016, 2:16011.

  8. Bao Y, Wang D, Hu Y, Xu A, Chen H*. Efficacy of chelator CBMIDA-CaNa2 for the removal of uranium and protection against uranium-induced cell damage in human renal proximal tubular cells.Health physics, 2013, 105(1):31-38.

  9. Bao Y, WangD, Li Z, Hu Y, Xu A, Wang Q, Shao C, Chen H*. Efficacy of a novel chelator BPCBG for removing uranium and protecting against uranium-induced renal cell damage in rats and HK-2 cells. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2013, 269(1):17-24.

  10. Bao Y, Chen H*, Hu Y, Bai Y, Zhou M, Xu A, Shao C. Combination effects of chronic cadmium exposure and gamma-irradiation on the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of peripheral blood lymphocytes and bone marrow cells in rats. Mutatation Research, 2012.743(1-2):67-74.

  11. Chen H*, Bao Y, Yu L, Jia R, Cheng W and Shao C. Comparison of cellular damage response to low-dose-rate 125I seeds irradiation and high-dose-rate gamma irradiation in human lung cancer cells. Brachytherapy, 2012, 11(2):149-156.

  12. Chen H, Ma Z, Vanderwaal RP, Feng Z, Gonzalez-Suarez I, Wang S, Zhang J, Roti Roti JL, Gonzalo S and Zhang J*. The mTOR inhibitor rapamycin suppresses DNA double-strand break repair. Radiation Research, 2011,175(2):214-224.


  1. 陈红红王全瑞,沙先谊,卢建忠,张旭霞,李强,胡昱兴,徐爱红,邹美君,注射用双酚二胺四乙酸钙钠盐及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 201810112313.4

  2. 陈红红,暴一众,王丹,胡昱兴,徐爱红,化合物[2,3-二羟基-1,4-苯撑]二胺四乙酸盐及其药用组合物和应用,2016.03.30,中国,201210497250.1

  3. 陈红红,孙梅贞,罗梅初,暴一众,王丹,胡昱兴,徐爱红,N,N'-1,2-亚乙基[N-(2,3-二羟基苯甲基)]甘氨酸及其衍生物在制药中的用途,2014.06.11,中国,201110346956.3


  1. 放射工作人员染色体畸变检查及辐射生物剂量估算。

  2. 辐射防护剂、放射性核素促排药物和肿瘤放射增敏剂的药效及机制研究。



