谢添武博士,bwin必赢青年研究员。先后在华中科技大学光电国家实验室、日内瓦大学、日内瓦州立医院等国内外著名机构从事科研工作,致力于人体数字孪生、医学物理、辐射剂量学与防护等方面的研究,取得了一系列创新性成果。近五年来,以第一作者身份在本研究领域的关键期刊Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, J Nucl Med, Eur Radiol, Phys Med Biol, Med Phys等发表10篇高水平的研究论文,并完成了英文学术专著《Computational Anatomical Animal Models》(IOP ebook)中四章的主笔。获得“2019中国辐射防护学会青年科学家奖”,得到国内外同行的高度认可和知名医学影像和医学物理网站专题报道,中华人民共和国驻瑞士大使馆教育处授予“全瑞优秀学联干部”;11次受邀在重要医学物理国际会议上做学术报告;欧洲辐射剂量学组织,美国核医学与分子影像学会会员;担任本领域高水平SCI国际期刊Medical Physics、Physics in Medicine and Biology、American Journal of Transplantation审稿人;现任中华医学会放射医学与防护分会青年委员会委员。
Tianwu Xie*(通讯作者), JS Park, Weihai Zhuo and Habib Zaidi "Development of a nonhuman primate computational phantom for radiation dosimetry" Medical Physics 47 (2), 736-744 (2020).
Akhavanallaf A, Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi "Assessment of uncertainties associated with Monte Carlo-based personalized dosimetry in clinical CT examinations" Physics in Medicine & Biology, (2020).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi "Estimation of the radiation dose in pregnancy: an automated patient-specific model using convolutional neural networks" Eur Radiol, 1-11 (2019). (中科院分区2区, IF = 3.967).
Akhavanallaf A, Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi "Development of a library of adult computational phantoms based on anthropometric indexes" IEEE Trans Rad Plasma Med Sci 3, 65-75 (2019).
Tianwu Xie, Akhavanallaf A and Habib Zaidi "Construction of patient-specific computational models for organ dose estimation in radiological imaging" Med Phys 46, 1519-1522 (2019). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi " Patient-specific computational model and dosimetry calculations for a patient pregnant with twins undergoing a PET/CT examination " J Nucl Med 59, 1-8 (2018). (中科院分区1区, IF = 6.16)
Tianwu Xie, Poletti PA, Platon A, Becker CD and Habib Zaidi "Assessment of CT dose to the fetus and pregnant female patient using patient-specific computational models" Eur Radiol 28, 1054-1065 (2018). (中科院分区2区, IF = 3.967)
Tianwu Xie, Kustner Niels and Habib Zaidi "Effects of body habitus on internal radiation dose calculations using the 5-year-old anthropomorphic male models" Phys Med Biol 62, 6185-6206 (2017). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.761)
Tianwu Xie, Kustner N and Habib Zaidi "Computational hybrid anthropometric paediatric phantom library for internal radiation dosimetry," Phys Med Biol (2017). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.761)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Development of computational pregnant female and fetus models and assessment of radiation dose from positron-emitting tracers," Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 1-11 (2016). (中科院分区2区, IF = 5.383)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Development of computational small animal models and their applications in preclinical research" Med Phys 43, 111-131 (2016). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie, Wesley E. Bolch, Choonsik Lee and Habib Zaidi, "Assessment of radiation dose in nuclear cardiovascular imaging using realistic computational models," Med Phys 42, 2955-2966 (2015). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, “Fetal and maternal dose estimate tables for positron-emitter labeled radiopharmaceuticals," J Nucl Med 55, 1459-1466 (2014). (中科院分区1区, IF = 6.16)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, “Evaluation of radiation dose to anthropomorphic pediatric models from positron-emitting labelled tracers,” Phys Med Biol 59, 1165 (2014). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.761)
Tianwu Xie, and Habib Zaidi, "Effect of respiratory motion on internal radiation dosimetry," Med Phys 41, 112506-10 (2014). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Effect of emaciation and obesity on small animal internal radiation dosimetry for positron-emitting radionuclides," Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 40, 1748-1759 (2013). (中科院分区2区, IF = 5.383)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Monte Carlo-based evaluation of S-values in mouse models for positron-emitting radionuclides," Phys Med Biol 58, 169-182 (2013). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.761)
Tianwu Xie, Wesley E. Bolch, Choonsik Lee and Habib Zaidi, "Pediatric radiation dosimetry for positron-emitting radionuclides using anthropomorphic phantoms," Med Phys 40, 102502-14 (2013). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Age-dependent small animal internal dosimetry," Mol Imaging 12, 364-375 (2013). (中科院分区3区, IF = 1.962)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Assessment of S-values in stylized and voxel-based rat models for positron-emitting radionuclides," Mol Imaging Biol 15, 542-551 (2013). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.774)
Tianwu Xie, Qian Liu and Habib Zaidi, "Evaluation of S-values and dose distributions for 90Y, 131I, 166Ho and 188Re in seven lobes of the rat liver," Med Phys 39, 1462-1472 (2012). (中科院分区3区,IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie, Dao Han, Yang Liu, Wenjuan Sun, and Qian Liu, “Skeletal dosimetry in a voxel-based rat phantom for internal exposures to photons and electrons,” Medical Physics 37, 2167-2177 (2010). (中科院分区3区, IF = 2.635)
Tianwu Xie, Guozhi Zhang, Yun Li, and Qian Liu, “Comparison of absorbed fractions of electrons and photons using three kinds of computational phantoms of rat,” Applied Physics Letter 97, 3702-3705 (2010). (中科院分区2区, IF = 3.302)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Automated construction of patient-specific computational models using convolutional networks for conceptus dose estimation in pregnant patients," 65th SNMMI Annual Meeting, USA, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 60 (supplement 1), 1218-1218.
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Construction of a computational model for pregnant patient with twins for radiation dosimetry claculations," 6th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, Annapolis, MA (2015).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Conceptual basis of dose monitoring in radiological imaging using personalized computational models," 6th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, Annapolis, MA (2017).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Construction of personalized computational phantoms of pregnant patients for assessment of CT radiation dose" 2016 IEEE MIC meeting, Strasbourg, France, 29 Oct. – 6 Nov.(2016)
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, " Development of computational pregnant female and fetal models and Monte Carlo dose calculations of radiation dose from positron-emitting tracers" 62th SNMMI Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, 11–15 June 2016, J Nucl Med, Vol. 57, Suppl. 2, pp 498 (2016).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Construction of pregnant female phantoms at different gestation periods for radiation dosimetry," 5th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, Seoul, Korea, 4-5 (2015).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Construction of a Hybrid Computational Pediatric Phantom Library: Application to the Evaluation of the Effects of Body Habitus on Internal Radiation Dosimetry," 5th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, Seoul, Korea, 18-19 (2015).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Fetal and maternal absorbed dose estimates for positron-emitting molecular imaging probes" 60th SNMMI Annual Meeting, Saint-Louis, USA, 7–11 June 2014, J Nucl Med, Vol. 55, Suppl. 1, pp 101 (2014).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Paediatric radiation dosimetry for positron-emitting radiotracers using anthropomorphic anatomical models" 14th Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Nuclear Medicine (SSNM), Montreux, Switzerland, 13-15 June 2014, Nuklearmedizin Vol. 53 No 2, A117 (2014).
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Age-dependent small animal internal radiation dosimetry," Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Phantoms for Radiation Protection, Imaging and Radiotherapy, Zurich, Switzerland, 20-22 May 2013, 60-61.
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Assessment of S-values in stylized and voxel-based rat models for positron-emitting radionuclides," Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Computational Phantoms for Radiation Protection, Imaging and Radiotherapy, Zurich, Switzerland, 20-22 May 2013. 70-71.
Tianwu Xie and Habib Zaidi, "Effect of emaciation and obesity on small animal internal radiation dosimetry for positron-emitting radionuclides," 13th Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Nuclear Medicine (SSNM), Lucern, Switzerland, 30 Mai –1 June 2013, Nuklearmedizin Vol. 52 No 3, A110 (2013)